
Reflecting on my first 1,500 hours of programming!
📅 Sat Nov 13 2021

In this article, I go through my first 1,500 of programming, the resources I learned from, and some stuff that helped me to improve that may help you too.

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How to prefetch data statically in regular components?
📅 Thu Oct 21 2021

Prefetching data in a non-page component is not enjoyable to do, so I decided to share with you a better way of doing it with a node script!

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Implementing undo/redo in a drawing app with Redux,
📅 Sun Sep 26 2021

undo/redo is a cool future to add in your apps and redux makes it easy, but how can I handle it when my state is huge, like in a drawing app for example?

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How do I approach planning projects?
📅 Sat Sep 18 2021

Planning is the most important aspect of programming, and It's mostly a soft skill that you get by practicing, but In this article, I will tell you my journey planning apps and I will add a tutorial on how do I plan and organize my projects with Trello.

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How to implement masonry grid in React?
📅 Fri Sep 10 2021

Mansory grid looks amazing and the latest versions of firefox started to support it, but at the moment you can't use the native option, so This article provides a solution.

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